What Mad Universe?!?
An adventure through the history of pulp SF and fantasy!
2 years ago

S3E79 -Chapter Seventy-Nine: Giants In The Earth!

On THE SHAVER MYSTERIES, by Richard Sharpe Saver

Of all the books we've looked at for the podcast, The Shaver Mysteries, by Richard Sharpe Shaver (with an assist by editor Ray Palmer), may be one of the most influential...for all the wrong reasons. A sensation when first published, Shaver's bizarre stories fed into conspiracy theories about flying saucers, ancient civilizations and subterranean terrors that are still with us today. They're also...really, really bad.

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Engineer/Producer: Alex Ross

Theme song by Jack Feerick

Additional Music: "WTF" by HMNN

Used under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution 3.0 International License.

(c) 2022 Adam Prosser and Philip Rice. Music (c) its respective creators. 

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.