What Mad Universe?!?
An adventure through the history of pulp SF and fantasy!
9 months ago

S4E102 -Chapter One Hundred and Two: One Thing After Another!

On WHO GOES THERE? By John W. Campbell

We've talked about John W Campbell as an editor on this show a few times, which isn't surprising since he oversaw an entire era of 20th century SF. Now we dive in directly to his own best known writing, the novella Who Goes There?, the basis for John Carpenter's The Thing (as well as the 50s movie The Thing From Another World), and talk more about how Campbell really did have a massive impact on our culture, in ways we're still recovering from...

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Engineer/Producer: Alex Ross

Theme song by Jack Feerick

(c) 2023 Adam Prosser and Philip Rice. Music (c) its respective creators.

Used under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution 3.0 International License.

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