What Mad Universe?!?
An adventure through the history of pulp SF and fantasy!
6 months ago

S4E121 -Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-One: Seeds of Destruction!

On THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN, by Michael Crichton

Pulp genre fiction has produced some monumental successes (from a financial POV), and today we're tackling probably the second-biggest after Stephen King: Michael Crichton. His career as a novelist of the Campbell "hard Sci-fi" school got started in properly in 1969 with the first novel released under his real name, The Andromeda Strain. We look at this particular book and the movie that adapted it in the latest episode, and examine when "hard SF" becomes a gloss over...something else.

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Engineer/Producer: Alex Ross

Theme song by Jack Feerick

Additional Music: Cinematic Atmosphere Score 2 by Musictown

(c) 2024 Adam Prosser and Philip Rice. Music (c) its respective creators.

Used under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution 3.0 International License.