What Mad Universe?!?
An adventure through the history of pulp SF and fantasy!
9 months ago

S4E116 -Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen: Where Everybody Knows Your Name!

On the CALLAHAN'S PLACE series by Spider Robinson

Sometimes you just want to take a break from it all and find solace in some booze...and more importantly, good company. Of course, it doesn't help if your watering hole is constantly being invaded by aliens, vampires, talking dogs, and fairies...or does it? It certainly keeps things interesting. Spider Robinson's long-running Callahan's Place series, starting with Callahan's Crosstime Saloon in 1977, posits such a bar, and turns it into the kind of place you'd probably love to visit, even if you're not a raging Sci-Fi nerd. Come on in, friend, first drink's on the house!

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Engineer/Producer: Alex Ross

Theme song by Jack Feerick

Additional music: "The Entertainer" by Scott Joplin

(c) 2024 Adam Prosser and Philip Rice. Music (c) its respective creators.

Used under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution 3.0 International License.