What Mad Universe?!?
An adventure through the history of pulp SF and fantasy!
7 months ago

S4E119 -Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen: Red Moonrise!

On THE MOON MAID, by Edgar Rice Burroughs

We've talked before about how plainly world events have informed the subtext (and sometimes the regular-text) of classic SF, and The Moon Maid, a late-career offering from Edgar Rice Burroughs, proves that in spades. The politics that engulfed the world in the mid-1920s are on full display here in this seemingly escapist pulp fantasy, in which thinly-disguised Moon Communists invade America. Choose your side, citizen!

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Engineer/Producer: Alex Ross

Theme song by Jack Feerick

Additional music: "The Planets: Mars" by Gustav Holst

(c) 2024 Adam Prosser and Philip Rice. Music (c) its respective creators.

Used under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution 3.0 International License.